Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Compareing sport to an object
 1. Swimming is like a rainy day.
 2. Running track is like a sewatbox.
 3.Golf is as boarning as staring at the wall.

Comparing holidays to an object.
 1.Thanksgiving is as cheerfull as getting money back during income tax time.
 2.Christmas is as loveable as getting your first puppy.
 3.Easrer is as holly as pants.

Comparing a person to an object.
 1. Sisters are like friends that never disappear.
 2.Mother are like angels.
 3. Dads are like hell wholes.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Poetry Writting Exercise Metaphor

 The universe to an object

1. The universe is a light beyond the stars.
2. The universe is a moon full of cream cheese.
3. The universe is a jet ready for lift off.

An emotion to a object

1. Sadness is a black whole sinking  you down
2. Anger is a nightmare never wanting to end .
3. Irritated is a million mosquitoes bites whelping up

A person to an object

1. A person is a bursting ball of energy.
2. A person is of full of life.
3. A person is a new born baby just coming home from the hospital.